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Sep 21, 2021
In General Discussions
Watches World - Men's and women's Piaget watches. The history of the legendary brand begins with the opening of a small watch workshop by Georges Piaget in 1874. Impeccable and high-precision mechanisms were then created on a family farm and supplied to famous watch brands. A solid foundation for the success of the Swiss Piaget manufactory was laid by the son of J. Piaget, Timothée Piaget. And in 1943, the company registered its own trademark. It became possible to gain international recognition and expand the boundaries of geography thanks to the great enthusiasm and work of the great-grandchildren of the founder of the brand. So, Piaget is building a new manufactory, the distinctive feature of which is innovative developments in the field of ultrathin mechanisms. The beginning of this was the release of the 9P mechanism with manual winding and a height of only 2 mm. You can purchase Piaget’s watches via various means. A revolutionary breakthrough in the creation of an ultra—thin format is not the only achievement of the company. In the sixties, the brand acquired several gold processing workshops in Geneva. The company produces original models of watches, the dials of which are decorated with turquoise, lapis lazuli, onyx and other stones. Such a novelty was also produced in the form of cufflinks, coins and pendants, which further enhanced the effect of attractiveness to the brand. The popularity of the company, acquired over the years, required the opening of another watch house in 2001. Masterpieces from watchmakers and jewelers are created at the full-cycle production in Plan-les-Wat. Since 2017, Shabi Nuri has been engaged in the development of the brand, she manages not only to maintain centuries-old traditions, but also to maintain authority in authentic watchmaking and jewelry. It took 2 years to create the most expensive Phoebus watches in the history of the brand, using 154 grams of platinum, it took 297 diamonds, the total weight of which was 3.85 carats and three and a half million Swiss francs. The masters of the company managed to set a double record by placing the thinnest mechanism in the world in the thinnest watch case. With a case diameter of 43 mm, the thickness of the Altiplano Automatic model was 5.25 mm. Since the brand's existence, more than 30 complicated mechanisms have appeared, among them the perpetual calendar, the flyback chronograph with the option of a second time zone. Creation of a thin automatic minute repeater (4.8 mm), providing exceptional sound. It takes 10 days to assemble one mechanism. Piaget manufactory is recognized as an expert in the field of inlay, as well as stone processing and the use of several enamel techniques.
Watches World - Men's and women's Piaget watches content media
Sep 15, 2021
In General Discussions
Search SMS pricing for a specific country Who can use SMS mailing lists. This tool is not suitable for every business, it can not be considered that it is universal. You need to choose a way of communicating with the audience based on its interests, preferences, habits, age, social group, region and other factors. But in general, notifications about discounts, promotions and sales can be used by everyone. It is very simple to understand whether sms mailing is necessary for business. First, make a portrait of the target audience and make sure that this type of information is suitable for it. Then think about how the newsletter will help you — what tasks it will solve. With a simple account sign-up process and rapid, seamless activation, we’ll have you up and sending cheap bulk SMS messages in no time at all. But even careful diagnostics and planning cannot accurately predict what the result will be in the end. Therefore, you need to test the tool. If the result is not impressive, you can switch to another method. Here is who can use SMS mailing: Retail (retail trade). Sales and promotions, special offers are often held in stores, so it is logical that notifications will be useful here. And you can also evaluate the quality of service using SMS. The service sector. By SMS, you can remind, for example, about an appointment with a doctor or a hairdresser and also ask to evaluate the service provided. Mass media (blogs, channels, magazines). Use SMS to notify readers about the release of exclusive material, arrange social surveys. Banks, microloans and mobile operators. The ability to make payment for services automatic, transfer money via sms, evaluate the service. Restaurants, cafes, quests and other entertainment. A good idea is to book a place using messages. Transport, taxi, carsharing. Notifications that the car is submitted, the possibility of payment by SMS. Online stores. Payment notifications, reminders that there are unpaid items in the basket, reminders about promotions and discounts.
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