Silicone technology delivers water repellency to the render surface.
For over 28 years K Rend has offered a high quality extensive range of external silicone renders and finishes, designed to give a durable weatherproof coating and a natural finish. We are committed to excellence, innovation and teamwork in providing the highest quality rendering possible. K-rend provides monocouche scratch, acrylic & sand and cement finishes

If you are planning your own self-build, sourcing product for a client or specifying for an extensive project, Weber’s range of Renders and Decorative Finishes offer innovative, market leading products with proven quality, durability and simplicity of application.This introduction to the Weber range of renders and decorative finishes serves as a quick reference to the product range and the key issues for consideration when selecting a render finish.To find the most suitable render option for your needs, refer to the chart below for criteria that most closely fits your requirements. Our range of renders and finishes are specifically designed to meet the needs of the professional tradesman and the demands of the home owner. Weber supply some of the largest UK and Irish house builders but we also offer support to small builders through our technical team and extensive distributor and merchant network. Our team of Plasteres love using these products.